When we last checked in with Dr Justine Camp (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha), she was in the middle of her PhD, conducting trials, collecting data and refining her whānau health compass. Now her project – which was supervised by Assoc Prof Anne-Marie Jackson...
Maori Research
2021 Wānanga at te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi Marae
On 11 October 2016, our Auckland-based Brain Research New Zealand (BRNZ) members visited te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi for the very first time. Dr Hinemoa Elder, Māori Strategy Leader at BRNZ, identified the school and marae as a partner for our Centre of...
Dementia App For Māori Launches
An app to help Māori affected by mate wareware (dementia) and to raise awareness of the disease has been launched. The app, Mate Wareware, was developed by researchers from the University of Auckland and AUT University following the largest-ever study of Māori...
Brain Research New Zealand funds COVID-19 research projects
Brain Research New Zealand (BRNZ) is very interested in addressing a number of brain health-related issues arising from the terrible pandemic that has spread across the globe. Even though New Zealand has been relatively spared, nonetheless ~2000 people have been...
Brain Research New Zealand continues Takarangi Cultural Competency journey
In 2018, Brain Research New Zealand (BRNZ) started on an exciting and slightly daunting journey adopting a formal programme to improve our cultural competency. It is well known that Māori suffer from worse health outcomes compared to other New Zealanders, due in part...
2020 Wānanga at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi Marae
The Brain Research New Zealand (BRNZ) outreach calendar is full of exciting events, with one of the highlights being our annual wānanga with our Māori community partners. We have been visiting and working with the tauira (students) and kaiako (teachers) of Te Kura...
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi Marae and Brain Research New Zealand | Matariki Awards
It has become an annual tradition for Brain Research New Zealand to sponsor the Health and Science Award of Māori TV's annual Ngaā Whetū o Matariki Awards. For this occassion, Māori TV has produced a video piece showcasing the relationship of BRNZ and our Māori...
Isaac Samuels: How equal is access to stroke reperfusion therapy?
“As a young Māori health professional in training, it is crucial to me that I do everything I can, whenever I can, to ensure I am providing for my communities all across Aotearoa.” As a fourth-year medical student at the University of Auckland, Isaac Samuels (Tainui)...
Dr Hinemoa Elder on Women in Science Leadership
Te rerenga o Hui Te Rangiora: Following in the footsteps of Hui Te Rangiora. Homeward Bound, Women in Science Leadership, Antarctica Dr Hinemoa Elder (Ngāti Kuri, Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa and Ngāpuhi) is the first indigenous alumna of the Homeward Bound project, a...
Empowering Māori to fight dementia
Even though Māori are diagnosed with dementia much younger than non-Māori, and it is predicted that they will make up 8% of New Zealanders living with dementia by2038, little is known about how this disease affects Māori. Most research is still conducted through a...
Dr Makarena Dudley elected as Alzheimers New Zealand Fellow
Dr Makarena Dudley (Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Kahu), Principal Investigator at Brain Research New Zealand and Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland, has been elected as the 2020 Alzheimers New Zealand Fellow. The Fellowship was established in 2019 to...
Alehandrea Manuel: Thinking beyond the booth
In her PhD at Brain Research New Zealand, Alehandrea Manuel is looking at how older Māori and whānau experience hearing loss and hearing services in New Zealand.