Prevention and Risk Reduction

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Dr Justine Camp: Re-creating traditional knowledge for new contexts

Dr Justine Camp: Re-creating traditional knowledge for new contexts

When we last checked in with Dr Justine Camp (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha), she was in the middle of her PhD, conducting trials, collecting data and refining her whānau health compass. Now her project – which was supervised by Assoc Prof Anne-Marie Jackson...

Just ten minutes a day could change your life

Just ten minutes a day could change your life

Dr David Moreau says you don’t need much time in your day to exercise your body and your brain. Dr David Moreau doesn’t buy the excuse that we don’t have time for exercise. His Early Career Research Excellence Award from the Royal Society Te Apārangi was for his...

Dementia App For Māori Launches

Dementia App For Māori Launches

An app to help Māori affected by mate wareware (dementia) and to raise awareness of the disease has been launched. The app, Mate Wareware, was developed by researchers from the University of Auckland and AUT University following the largest-ever study of Māori...

Prof Cathy Stinear: Seven tips to keep your mind sharp

Prof Cathy Stinear: Seven tips to keep your mind sharp

Your brain is the most precious and complex organ in your body, and it makes you who you are. Unlike some of your other vital organs, it can’t be repaired or replaced if it becomes diseased or wears out. Fortunately, writes Professor Cathy Stinear, there are things...

Empowering Māori to fight dementia

Empowering Māori to fight dementia

Even though Māori are diagnosed with dementia much younger than non-Māori, and it is predicted that they will make up 8% of New Zealanders living with dementia by2038, little is known about how this disease affects Māori. Most research is still conducted through a...

Improving hearing health across the Pacific

Improving hearing health across the Pacific

Professor Peter Thorne is working to improve hearing health across the Pacific by developing a better understanding of perceptions of hearing loss and to create a clearer, more equitable route for them to access hearing health services.

Pacific Summer Research Scholarship to continue psychology research

Pacific Summer Research Scholarship to continue psychology research

A University of Otago undergraduate student has received a prestigious scholarship to continue the work of researchers from the Psychology Department. Jordan Quensell has been awarded a Brain Research New Zealand Pacific Summer Research Scholarship to extend stair...

Prof Valery Feigin elected as Fellow of Royal Society Te Apārangi

Prof Valery Feigin elected as Fellow of Royal Society Te Apārangi

BRNZ investigator Prof Valery Feigin (AUT) has been elected as both a Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi and a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Valery was elected as one of 19 new Ngā Ahurei a Te Apārangi Fellows, who are recognised for their...

Preventing stroke through coaching

Preventing stroke through coaching

Each year, stroke shortens the lives of millions of people across the globe – it is the second most common cause of death and disability worldwide. But according to BRNZ investigators, Dr Rita Krishnamurthi and MacDiarmid Medal winner, Prof. Valery Feigin, the...

Food and Exercise for a Healthy Brain

Food and Exercise for a Healthy Brain

This article was originally published by the BHRC [] As a cognitive neuropsychologist Dr Liana Machado is interested in how physical damage to the brain can impact on our functioning. As we age, our brains, like the...