Picture a physicist. Do you imagine someone madly scribbling equations about nuclear energy or black holes? What about someone doing research on dementia? Or figuring out better ways to do high-tech medical imaging? These are the sorts of things a Magnetic Resonance...
Early Career Researchers
Dr Malvindar Singh-Bains: hunting for a cure for hereditary brain disease
Dr Malvindar Singh-Bains from Brain Research New Zealand and the Centre for Brain Research would like greater awareness of how the hereditary brain disease Huntington’s affects families. Malvindar Singh-Bains was presenting her research at the National Huntington’s...
Dr Justine Camp: Re-creating traditional knowledge for new contexts
When we last checked in with Dr Justine Camp (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha), she was in the middle of her PhD, conducting trials, collecting data and refining her whānau health compass. Now her project – which was supervised by Assoc Prof Anne-Marie Jackson...
Auckland scientist helps unravel mystery of Covid-19 brain effects
Neuroscientist Helen Murray’s special expertise with a tiny part of the brain is helping unravel the mysteries of Covid-19’s neurological effects. For weeks, University of Auckland neuroscientist Helen Murray pored over scans of brain tissue from people who had died...
2020 Wānanga at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi Marae
The Brain Research New Zealand (BRNZ) outreach calendar is full of exciting events, with one of the highlights being our annual wānanga with our Māori community partners. We have been visiting and working with the tauira (students) and kaiako (teachers) of Te Kura...
The link between Covid and Parkinson’s
Dr Victor Dieriks examines concerns that the rapid onset of Parkinson's disease motor symptoms after Covid-19 infection suggests a causal link. Since the start of this pandemic, neuroscientists have become increasingly concerned that Covid-19 could result in...
Stalling Parkinson’s disease is Auckland scientist’s goal
What if doctors could stall Parkinson's before the shakiness started? That's the ambition of a University of Auckland scientist. Brain Research New Zealand member Dr Victor Dieriks, of the Centre for Brain Research in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, just...
Isaac Samuels: How equal is access to stroke reperfusion therapy?
“As a young Māori health professional in training, it is crucial to me that I do everything I can, whenever I can, to ensure I am providing for my communities all across Aotearoa.” As a fourth-year medical student at the University of Auckland, Isaac Samuels (Tainui)...
Empowering Māori to fight dementia
Even though Māori are diagnosed with dementia much younger than non-Māori, and it is predicted that they will make up 8% of New Zealanders living with dementia by2038, little is known about how this disease affects Māori. Most research is still conducted through a...
Dr Makarena Dudley elected as Alzheimers New Zealand Fellow
Dr Makarena Dudley (Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Kahu), Principal Investigator at Brain Research New Zealand and Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland, has been elected as the 2020 Alzheimers New Zealand Fellow. The Fellowship was established in 2019 to...
Alehandrea Manuel: Thinking beyond the booth
In her PhD at Brain Research New Zealand, Alehandrea Manuel is looking at how older Māori and whānau experience hearing loss and hearing services in New Zealand.
Growing our emerging talent: Our Early Career Researcher Workshop 2020
At Brain Research New Zealand, we invest heavily in the training and support of our early career researchers (ECRs) – our future neuroscience and clinical workforce. Throughout the year, we offer our emerging leaders training, outreach and networking opportunities,...